2022 Endorsements
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The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Rand Paul for US Senate in Kentucky. Rand Paul has shown an unwavering commitment to the principles of the RLC: individual rights, limited government and free markets. We #StandWithRand as he boldly leads the fight for liberty in the Senate. Learn more about Rand Paul at: https://randpaul.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Thomas Massie for Congress in KY-4. Thomas Massie courageously and unapologetically stands on principle every time, regardless of any political ramifications. His resolve to defend liberty is unmatched. Let's keep him in Congress! Learn more about Thomas Massie at: https://www.thomasmassie.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Lori Saine for Congress in CO-8. As a state legislator, Lori Saine consistently stood up for individual liberty, smaller government and free markets. She'll bring those same principles to Congress, where they are sorely needed. Learn more about Lori Saine at: https://loriforfreedom.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Dave Williams for Congress in CO-5. Dave Williams has boldly led the fight for liberty in the Colorado legislature. Now we have an opportunity to send this principled freedom fighter to Congress. Let's make it happen! Learn more about Dave Williams at: https://daveforcolorado.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Alex Mooney for Congress in WV-2. This is a crucial race with stark differences between the candidates. Unlike his opponent, Alex Mooney has consistently stood up for liberty and limited government. Let’s make sure this seat is held by a pro-liberty Republican. Learn more about Alex Mooney at: https://www.mooneyforcongress.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Jarome Bell for Congress in VA-2. The corrupt establishment is trampling our constitutional rights like never before. That's why we need bold patriots like Jarome who will fight back against the swamp, and defend our liberties. Learn more about Jarome Bell at: https://jaromebellforcongress.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Jeremy Munson for Congress in MN-1. @RepresentativeJeremyMunson has been a bold and unwavering voice for liberty in the Minnesota House. With his principled record, we have full confidence that he’ll bring the same fight to the swamp in DC. Learn more about Jeremy Munson at: https://www.jeremymunson.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Mike Lee for US Senate in Utah. Mike Lee is a statesman who tirelessly advocates for smaller government, individual liberty and free markets. We need consistent leaders like Mike Lee who will keep the Republican Party grounded on principle. Learn more about Mike Lee at: https://leeforsenate.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Taffy Howard for Congress in South Dakota. The establishment Republicans are complicit as big government tramples our liberties. It’s time to replace them with principled freedom fighters like Taffy Howard. As a state legislator, Taffy has proven to be a consistent and principled liberty-Republican. Learn more about Taffy Howard at: https://www.taffyhoward.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses John Dennis for Congress for CA-11. As Chairman of the San Francisco GOP, John Dennis is a vocal and refreshing voice for liberty in California. We fully support John Dennis in his bid to unseat the queen of the swamp, Speaker Pelosi. Learn more about John Dennis at: https://www.johndennisforcongress.com.

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Nathan Dahm for US Senate in Oklahoma. As a State Senator, Nathan Dahm has a principled record. He's consistently stood up for individual rights, limited government and free markets. With the corrupt establishment compromising our liberties, we need proven freedom fighters like Nathan Dahm who will shake things up. Learn more about Nathan Dahm at: https://www.dahmforsenate.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Matt Gaetz for Congress in FL-1. Matt Gaetz is a fearless freedom fighter who boldly champions individual liberty and limited government. He’s also one of the most consistent voices for a foreign policy of peace that keeps our brave soldiers out of unnecessary wars. Let’s keep him in Congress!

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Kat Cammack for Congress in FL-3. Kat Cammack is a bold liberty warrior who doesn't compromise. She's shown a strong commitment to the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Let's keep her in Congress! Learn more about Kat Cammack at: https://www.katforcongress.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Bill Posey for Congress in FL-8. On our 2021 scorecard, Bill Posey was a top scorer, earning an exceptional score of 90. He’s been a consistent advocate for individual liberty and limited government. Let’s re-elect Bill Posey!

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Anna Paulina Luna for Congress in FL-13. Big government is infringing on our liberties like never before. That's why we need strong leaders like Anna Paulina Luna who will fight back against corruption, stand on principle, and defend our Constitutional rights. Learn more at https://www.voteannapaulina.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Greg Steube for Congress in FL-17. As shown on our scorecard, Greg Steube has a consistent and principled record. He has a strong commitment to the principles of the RLC: individual rights, limited government and free markets. Let’s keep him in Congress so he can continue to defend liberty! Learn more about Greg Steube at: https://www.electgregsteube.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Byron Donalds for Congress in FL-19. During his first term, Byron Donalds has proven to be a reliable defender of liberty. On our 2021 scorecard, Byron earned an exceptional score of 90. With his principled record, we fully support his re-election. Learn more about Byron Donalds at: https://www.byrondonalds.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Dr. Drew Montez Clark for Congress in FL-20. Drew Montez Clark is a liberty focused constitutionalist with a strong commitment to the principles of the RLC: individual rights, limited government and free markets. Let's send him to Congress! #RLCendorsed Learn more about Drew Montez Clark at: https://drewmontezclark.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Janice McGeachin for Governor of Idaho. As a state legislator, and now as Lt. Governor, Janice has been a stalwart advocate for individual liberty and smaller government. With her principled record, we know Janice will be an outstanding Governor.
Learn more about Janice McGeachin at: https://janiceforidaho.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Brandon Lape for Congress in OH-12. Brandon will fight big government and defend freedom. He's fully committed to the principles of the RLC: individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Let's Go Brandon Lape!
Learn more about Brandon Lape at: https://lapeforohio.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Mike Crispi for Congress in NJ-4. As the establishment Republicans abandon our liberties and sell us out to big government, we must replace them with bold freedom fighters like Mike Crispi. Let's send Mike Crispi to Congress and drain this swamp.
Learn more about Mike Crispi at: https://mikecrispi.com

The Republican Liberty Caucus proudly endorses Tim Baxter for Congress in NH-1. Tim Baxter has been an unwavering advocate for liberty in the NH state legislature. Now we have an opportunity to send this principled freedom fighter to Congress. Let's make it happen!
Learn more about Tim Baxter at: https://www.baxterforcongress.com